Ticket To Work
Maine Resources
Use Ticket to Work to Your Advantage: http://diversity.monster.com/wwd/articles/ticketwork/
Are you a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient who has recovered some of your abilities and ambitions to hold a job, but are held back because you fear you may relapse and lose your benefits?
Maine Ticket Website: http://www.maineticket.org/index.htm
Maine Ticket Partners: http://www.maineticket.org/partners.htm
New Employment Network Payment Request Process Available:
Beginning immediately, a simplified outcome payment request process is available for Employment Networks (ENs) and State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies that have elected to be paid as an EN. This new payment request process is called the Certification Payment Request Process and may be used when the criteria described below are met.
When may an EN or State VR agency use the certification payment request process?
Any EN or any State VR Agency electing to be paid as an EN may use the Certification Payment Request Process when the following criteria are met for a given ticket holder:
* If an EN or State VR agency's elected EN method of payment for a given ticket holder is the outcome only payment system, the EN can use the Certification Payment Request Process after the ticket holder has achieved three continuous outcome months for which the EN has received payment.
Outcome Only Example:
An EN had elected the outcome only payment system at the time of signing an IWP with the ticket holder, Joe Johnson. Mr. Johnson began working and achieved zero benefit status in March 2003. The EN obtained evidence of earnings for March 2003 and submitted the evidence of earnings along with a request for payment to MAXIMUS. MAXIMUS approved the payment request and triggered an outcome payment for March 2003. April and May 2003 were also successful work months for Mr. Johnson, and the EN applied for and received outcome payments for those months. Mr. Johnson's work and earnings continue at the same or a higher rate. The EN may begin using the Certification Payment Request Process and request payment for June, July and August in September 2003. Each subsequent three-month period, the EN can repeat these steps as long as the beneficiary's work and earnings continue at the same or a higher level.
* If an EN or State VR agency's elected method of payment for a given ticket holder is the outcome-milestone payment system, the EN can use the Certification Payment Request Process after the ticket holder has achieved milestones, and the EN has been paid for the milestones, based on three continuous months of substantial gainful activity followed immediately by the ticket holder meeting the requirements for an outcome month.
Outcome-Milestone Example:
An EN had elected the outcome-milestone payment system at the time of signing an IWP with the ticket holder, Tom Jones. Mr. Jones started working at an earning's level above the SGA threshold amount in March 2003, but continued to be eligible for benefits. The EN obtained evidence of the beneficiary's earnings for March 2003 and sent the documentation with a milestone payment request to MAXIMUS. The milestone payment request was approved for March 2003 and payment was issued. Mr. Jones continued working and receiving SSA benefit payments through April and May 2003 and the EN obtained evidence of the work and earnings and submitted the documentation with a request for the second milestone payment. The request was approved and payment was issued. The beneficiary continues working, and his benefits zeroed out beginning in June 2003 due to his work and earnings. The EN may request outcome payments for June, July and August 2003 in September 2003 using the Certification Payment Request Process. Each subsequent three-month period, the EN may repeat these steps as long as the beneficiary's work and earnings continue at the same or a higher level.
Note: For requests for payment where the criteria for using the certification process are not yet met, ENs and State VR Agencies electing to be paid as an EN for a given ticket holder must continue to submit the type of evidence of earnings described in Section 411.575(B)(2) of the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program regulations.
Where these criteria are met, an EN or State VR Agency may decide which outcome payment request process it wishes to use when requesting payment, i.e., include evidence of earnings or use the Certification Payment Request Process.
How does an EN or State VR agency request payment using the Certification Payment Request Process?
When the above criteria are met for a working Ticket holder, the EN or State VR Agency prepares a request for payment using business stationary containing the following information:
1. The company or agency's name and employer identification number (EIN).
2. The ticket holder's full name and Social Security Number.
3. The month(s) for which payment is requested.
4. A statement, to the best of the EN's knowledge, that there has been no decline in the ticket holder's earnings or employment situation.
5. The name and address of the ticket holder's employer.
6. A statement agreeing to the recovery of EN outcome payments issued if a payment was made and not due.
7. A signature of an official in the organization and date.
The request for payment can either be mailed or faxed to MAXIMUS at:
MAXIMUS Ticket to Work Program
Attn: Ticket Payment
PO Box 25105
Alexandria, VA 22313
FAX: 703-683-3289
Will claims be paid based on the Certification Statement or will SSA first try to obtain evidence of earnings to confirm that the ticket holder is working?
SSA will make payments based on the Certification Payment Request provided no information is present in SSA's records indicating that payment is not due. SSA will conduct post-payment validation reviews to verify work or earnings.
To receive additional information about the Certification Payment Request Process, please contact MAXIMUS Ticket to Work Program at the toll-free number 1-866-YOURTICKET (1-866-968-7842) or the toll-free TDD line for hearing and speech impaired 1-866-TDD2WORK (1-866-833-2967), or visit the Ticket to Work website: http://www.yourtickettowork.com
Regional Resources
National Resources
Disability Resources, Inc.: http://www.disabilityresources.org/TICKET.html
What A "Ticket" Looks Like: http://www.neighborhoodlaw.org/docs/ticketpicture.jpeg
Ticket To Work And Work Incentives Advisory Panel: http://www.ssa.gov/work/panel/
Learn about panel members, events, reports and recommendations. You can also contact the panel and join the mailing list to keep up on work incentive issues.
Ticket to Work Online Video: http://video.ichp.ufl.edu/