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Healthcare providers diagnose FM based on a combination of relevant symptoms, or how the person feels, including fatigue, tenderness, functionality, and overall well-being.  Lab tests may be needed to rule out or diagnose co-existing conditions (i.e., lupus, thyroid hormone resistance, rheumatoid arthritis). Symptoms of FM can vary in intensity. Fatigue, sleep disturbances (sleep apnea and/or waking up unrefreshed), cognitive difficulties (memory problems or thinking clearly), and stiffness are the most prevalent symptoms reported.  Additional common symptoms may include depression or anxiety, migraines, tension headaches, pelvic pain, irritable or overactive bladder, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), TMJD (including tinnitus), and gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD).  Stress often worsens the related problems and symptoms.  In a 2013 survey of people with fibromyalgia by Oregon Health and Sciences University and the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association, symptoms were measured as well as the impact of fibromyalgia on daily living."

"Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common and complex chronic pain disorder that causes widespread pain and tenderness to touch that may occur body wide or migrate over the body.  Along with other symptoms, pain and tenderness wax and wane over time.  FM affects people physically, mentally and socially.  Approximately 10 million Americans (2-4%) have FM with a ratio of about 8 to 2, women over men.  It occurs in people of all ages, including children. The literal translation of the word fibromyalgia is pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons. But FM is much more than pain and presents with many other symptoms that vary from person to person. 

~from National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association

Maine Resources

None added yet! Feel free to contact us with any resources you may have!

Regional Resources

Pain Management Centers of New England - With locations in Newburyport, Danvers, and Gloucester, MA, they offer specialized care for fibromyalgia patients, including pain management and treatment plans tailored to individual needs.

National Resources

The Chronic Syndrome Support Association:
Includes information on FMS, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), CFS, myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), and other related conditions. Lists issue titles and authors of quality quarterly newsletter. Also features pamphlets, news and events, patient resources, “Bedroom Talk,” books and videos, letters, articles of Interest, and links.

The Fibromyalgia Network:
Provides educational materials on fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Offers quarterly newsletter. Provides specialty packets, coping tips, advocacy information, and archived information on a range of topics, including international awareness day, back supports, disability, information for family and friends, how to handle doctor’s visits and other people in your life, jaw pain, headaches, and a great deal of information on treatments, drug and non-drug.

Massachusetts CFIDS & FM Association:
The Mass. CFIDS (chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome) & FM Association is dedicated to supporting research, promoting medical and public education, and advocacy and support services for persons with CFIDS or FMS. Serves Mass., Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. The Association provides disability information, advocacy, support group and doctor referral, a lending library of books and tapes, as well as relevant, news, lectures, and research funding. 

The National Fibromyalgia Partnership (NFP):
Their mission is to "provide medically accurate, up-to-date information on the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and new research on fibromyalgia." Site provides information on fibromyalgia in English, Spanish, and French, as well as articles, research information, books and videos, a help guide, and an online store. Articles include medical and therapeutic topics, a resource guide for health professionals, and advice on how to win disability cases.

Seacoast Area Fibromyalgia/CFIDS/Chronic Pain Support Groups:
Support groups, telephone support, and lending library for people in New Hampshire and Maine. Meetings and/or resource people are in New Durham, Peterborough, and Rochester, NH and in Saco and North Berwick, Maine.

Well Spouse Foundation:
The Well Spouse Foundation (WSF) has support groups for healthy husbands, wives, and partners of people with a chronic illness and/or disability.

The CFIDS/M.E. Information Page:
A comprehensive listing of resources, including general information about CFIDS and FMS, diagnosing and treating CFIDS and FMS, medical research and references, RnaseL Enzyme Dysfunction Disease (R.E.D.D.), activist Information, organizations & discussion lists on the Internet, state and local support groups, disability information, commercial laboratories & other commercial sites of interest, links to information about related diseases and general medical information, and a glossary of acronyms.

CFIDS Association of America:
Our mission is to conquer CFIDS. Learn about the programs and people dedicated to this important effort. Resources, research and free continuing education opportunities. View the Provider Education Project jointly sponsored by the CDC and the CFIDS Association.

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