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Breath & Shadow

Spring 2022 - Vol. 19, Issue 2

"Three Tanka"

written by

Michael Morell

unable to see

where the wind begins

or ends; mother

asks the hospice priest

if Dad will know her in heaven

a sky

the color of

Blue Jays

I open myself up

to all possibilities

old friends . . .

the dog and i


behind our ears

at the same time

Michael Morell is a disabled poet living in the suburbs of Philadelphia. His first book of Japanese short form poetry, leaf raking, was published in 2019 (buddha baby press). In 2017 Michael earned a Master's degree in Applied Meditation Studies. He is the administrator of the facebook group DisKu/CripKu, a place where Disability Poetics intersects with Japanese short form poetry. Michael's work has appeared in Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry & Literature, Modern Haiku, Rattle, Atlas Poetica, Akitsu Quarterly, Slipstream, and many others.

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