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Breath & Shadow

Spring 2022 - Vol. 19, Issue 2

"The Descent"

written by

Ed Ahern

The disappearing is gentle, at first

A forgotten name, a missed appointment

Then a trickle of problems with focus

But the core, the essence holds true.

The erosion feeds on itself, cutting away

Remembered passwords and directions

And backfilling with panic and fear

But the love, the caring stays firm

Sentences are filled with silences

Echoing with the lost names of things

Days are squandered on little things done badly

But the intentions, if anything, are purer.

We live for now, for we know

That tomorrow will be less

And tomorrows will be fewer

But hold each other more tightly.

Ed Ahern resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales. He’s had over three hundred stories and poems published so far, and six books. Ed works the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where he sits on the review board and manages a posse of nine review editors.

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