Breath & Shadow
Summer 2021 - Vol. 18, Issue 3
"Reunion 100"
written by
Shawn Jacobson
Gathering for their 100th reunion
Of the last class from the Braille school
students returned in marvelous ways.
Some graduates returned from the stars
Riding beams of multicolored lights.
With resplendent glory they arrived
Bearing tales for places beyond sight
and bringing exotic gifts from beyond.
Scoffers said blind guys could not ride
A light beyond their perceptive skill.
Such uncanny doings defied belief
An assault on given insight, what could be.
These scoffers were compelled to confront the folly of their doubts rooted in ignorance
For the flight of these students testified to the mastery of the light on which they flew.
But why should such journeys be uncanny
When we travel through life with unseen things,
The skill that coders breathe into machines,
Wings on which our prayers ascend,
The laws that call forth nature to give us life.
All of us voyage by light we do not see; and journey by invisible truth. After the reunion blind travelers mount the light to seek out new adventures, new discoveries.
Who knows what starry knowledge they will gain, what wisdom they will earn among the stars?
I wish to be a party to these heavenly voyages to know the skills needed to ride the cosmic light.
That I too might learn to soar into the future
To understand the wisdom of invisible things.
Shawn Jacobson attended the Iowa School for the blind until his senior year. He then obtained two degrees from Iowa State University. He worked for the Federal government for the past 38 years. He lives in Maryland with his wife, son, and two dogs.
His daughter lives in Baltimore.