Breath & Shadow
Spring 2020 - Vol. 17, Issue 2
"Pink Bleeds Red"
written by
Kate Gough
She cries out in anger
after years of pink repression,
softening her tongue
to coddle the precious ears
of those who called her shrill.
Muting herself with a silk scarf,
loosely disguised as an accessory
to her demure demeanour,
instead of a noose around her neck.
Her hot parched lungs are red
like her cheeks
after years
of running from him,
whom was promised to be
her saviour.
Pink bleeds red
staining the white cotton sheets
which swaddled her as a child.
She is a mess
but she is okay now.
There is no soap
for the sins he committed.
Pink bleeds red,
and that is her favourite colour.
Kate Gough is a Calgary based poet and a member of the online poetry community. Her work deals with the modernizing of romantic literary sensibilities and explores recovery from chronic illness and trauma.
Coping with ulcerative colitis, fibromyalgia, OCD, and depression, she continues to push herself with creative challenges, through the creation of two chapbooks about her experiences with mental and physical health.