Breath & Shadow
Spring 2020 - Vol. 17, Issue 2
"God's Eyes"
written by
Venetia Sjogren
I have difficulty sleeping nights
while the city slumbers
these old bones and damaged nerves
ache from a myriad of disabling hurts
so I sit in my bay window
ensconced in a warming quilt
enraptured by the glow of lights against the midnight sky
I think
there is a silent beauty unmatched and not remarked on
by Helios lovers
no bright, luminescent shimmering
to gild and adorn the day-walkers
a beauty where black can be beautiful and white is unseen
when night shadows and blurs the edges
softening sagging outlines, wrinkled crevasses and assaulted nerves
in this inky blackness
and God's eyes
I am beautiful, whole and at peace
Venetia Sjogren is a 61 year old, disabled grandmother living with end stage kidney failure, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis, an Afro-Latina, a borderline atheist and humanist. She delights in non-tribalistic and apolitical behavior. She is a pot-stirrer. One could even call her a militant abuelita. Venetia attempts to write words of thunder. Sometimes she succeeds, often she fails. She loves reading, rather indiscriminately as her books range from Sci-Fi to survival skills to Anthropology. She hates peas, anything hazelnut and okra. I know, I know - she is a flipping screwball. Some of her publication credits include Poets Against the War, Jersey Works, and Howard University’s The Amistad, The Cristell Writing Contests - The Book Lovers Haven, Wordgathering.