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Breath & Shadow

Summer 2014 - Vol. 11, Issue 3

"4 AM" and "Even More"

written by

B. Z. Niditch

"4 AM"


French bread

resembling a

quarter moon


on the granite table

an hour ago

by the tentative night


The artist

drawn to exhaustion

of a lost landscape

in solitude


by sleeplessness.




In the drowsy dawn

our Muse

pleads for sleep

a time to imagine,

for an extra moment

to dream,

any explanation

on watch for

layers of questions

over the couch,

a fast-moving answer

even on your knee

to speak of a first love,

reminders to wish

the birthday candle

will not be smoked

quicker than words

call up the future,

with applause for

an upstaged return

of a music recital

added to the program,

an extra day

of vacation,

more light

for the bonfire,

a full moon

over a passion play,

asking a higher score

for any ball game,

even more chances

to remember

the living.

B.Z. Niditch is a poet, playwright, fiction writer and teacher. His work is widely published in journals and magazines throughout the world, including: Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry and Art, The Literary Review, Denver Quarterly, Hawaii Review, Le Guepard (France), Kadmos (France), Prism International, Jejune (Czech Republic), Leopold Bloom (Budapest), Antioch Review, and Prairie Schooner, among others. He lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.

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